MLABH - Addition By Heart
Addition By Heart - A Colourful Learning Deck for True Comprehension of Addition Math Facts
Math for Love Develop maths games and curriculum, including tons of free lesson plans that are available on their website.
Maths for Love are involved in training teachers and produce professional learning materials. They write puzzles, produce maths art shows and do whatever they can to show people how playful, beautiful and life changing mathematics can be.
Addition By Heart - A Colourful Learning Deck for True Comprehension of Addition Math Facts
Multiplication by Heart - A learning deck for true comprehension. These visual flash cards offer a deeper, more connected way to learn multiplication.
Pattern Breakers is designed to be read aloud to children. This book introduces children to the concept of patterns, showing repeated patterns, breaks in patterns and encourages predictions. A great book to encourage learning and an excellent resource to develop further learning and play.
Awards: Creative Child Magazine -Creative Child Awards 2024 Book of the Year Award 2024
Prime Climb: the beautiful colourful mathematical game. Prime Climb is a perfect game for ages 10+ (or 8+ with adult guidance) to explore mathematical structure in multiplication, division, and prime numbers in a fast-paced, dynamic game of strategy and luck. Great for home or school!
Simple to learn and quick to play, Rolly Poly is a dose of action packed number fun game for the whole family!
Creative Child Magazine - Creative Child Awards 2024 Game of the Year Award.
Tiny Polka Dot is the playful way for children ages 3 – 8 and up to fall in love with numbers.